Saturday, September 30, 2017

Yarn of Reminiscence

Sitting among the dead cavaliers, I breathed in the fate,
Apathetic souls searching their human shell,
Looking at the changing realms, I looked at the dusk,
Looking in its eyes, I asked, “Who could live as such?”
Dusk blushed, hiding under her mother’s arms,
I tilted my head, confused, she looked horrendous, yet she had charm,
As the stars grew, mother moon escalated her incorrigible appease,
Transparent bodies flowed around my head, dead born, yet they gleamed,
They told me their names, “Anu”, “Nyx”, “Gaia”, “Enki”, “Manu”,
Vicariously they danced, and told me their tales, I sat, listened, enjoyed, being tyro,
Their tales started the world,
Their dreams followed the human shells laying behind,
Apparitions they were, but I recognised them as gods,
Tales from my forefathers, legends of the titans and their falls,
I knew them all, but they made me laugh, told me the greatest of the tales,
Every inch of my soul was painted, they were everything I was, yet not complete,
I had my shell, they were ripped apart,
They were just empty souls of memories, I had my beating heart,
The night grew, and so slowly died the Mother moon,
Dusk grew to be beautiful like her mother, princess of night, to be soon,
Dawn approached slowly, enchanting the beauty all around,
Blazing, gleaming harder than the ghosts, I was astound,
Slowly, I too felt my heart to beat lesser with Dawn’s approach,
Stars held me together, my memories painted into the constellations,
Princess Dusk held me in her arms, kissed me goodbye,
I could now feel her warmth, clinging to my shell, I cried,
Trying, trying, and trying, I was trying to bring me my human shell,
It nourished the souls with my legends, my memories, my tales,
I was a living legend among constellations,
I was now the fated one, I was the now among the destined ones.

Friday, August 18, 2017


A baffled, broken king, played his violin,
Sang his lullaby, sang his hallelujah,
Unscathed new moon with the blanket of stars above,
Millions of fireflies jumping, each its own small star on earth,
Ephemeral, they rained, they sang, they lived to surpass stars,
The king played with dignity, watching them, hiding his scars,
Only left with his castle, and his garden of fireflies,
He glazed them into their eyes, for them to fall,
Lost, broken, alone, he led his little stars to challenge the moon,
He made the rain dance with winds, sun to bring in the dawn,
On top of his castle, he stood, with his hilt in his hand,
He watched the zenith appearing from distance,
Hugged his victory, hugged his violin,
He sang his hallelujah, he bid goodbye to the stars, to the fireflies,
Resonating was the world to his voice,
Moon clapped the stars away,
He bowed to the universe, bowed to his victory,
Hugged his enemy, caressed his cheeks,
The world was his, shattered winds, burned ashes,
Dulled fireflies, crushed dusted meteors, all fallen, and his knees week,
He pulled close his violin, he played his song,
Closing his eyes, he let a breath away singing his hallelujah,
As the dawn roared, his voice resonated inside the universe,
The stars cried, the fallen bodies cried, the wind sang his hallelujah

Monday, July 24, 2017

Silent Thoughts

In this room of silence, I sit quietly watching people read,
Mustering some knowledge, rattling with emotions,
My head speaking some language, thoughts rambling around,
I just want to feel, feel what others are able to feel, real love, real pain,
This room is screaming thoughts and emotions,
Where words, thoughts and reality meet hand in hand,
Like a chain reaction, thoughts shaping the reality,
Words form these thoughts, and new realms are open possibilities,
This kingdom of dirt, resting within moments,
I plead to feel all these emotions,
You couldn’t understand this ever, as it’s all in my head,
But I would find a way, to understand what you feel,
This castle of bones and thorns, I live within,
I remember everything, memories down the lane,
But these feelings are at my whim’s way,
Snatching away my smile, taking away my tears,
I wish to share, wish to absorb and learn,
Everyone I know, is just my imagination,
Numb, unmoving, trembling, but breathing,
Watching me, even listening, but not feeling,
In this room of silence where thoughts are born, emotions are risen,
I sit and watch but unable to befriend these emotions, unable to feel the broken thoughts.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

True Lies

Cold empty chairs on the empty table, he showed me,
Boxing awaiting candles, and unopened wine, he weeps,
“Son”, he says, “Even after losing a leg, I stand strong and proud”,
Kept himself sitting in the wheelchair, heart beating so profound,
With smile on his lips, and tears in his eyes,
He told me all about the haunting true lies,
Dusted glasses, creased maps, pictures safe from the time,
He told me about his brethren, about his brothers and child,
“I was saved from the redemption, saved for salvation,
This is where we last met alive, where we stood on our legs, with heads high,
Now, they stay six feet under this very room, under this very table,
Where I intend them to join, where I buried them with my bare hands”
He told me all, and showed me his plan, showed me the smiles of his brothers,
And sang me their revolution, drew me into his past of smothers,
They were convicted as vigilante for society, and soldiers for the poor,
For people from the gutter, from people with no one to share,
They were mistaken for foes, and named “Dangerous Barricades”,
They fought together, sang, drank and danced, but he couldn’t die with them,
“Heroes”, that’s what the winners called themselves,
He cried, not for the lack of a leg, but the loss of his brethren,
Humanity was what they fought for, and lost in the end,
“Protection”, “Honor”, “Pride”, “Safety”, and “Respect”,
These chants, they used in the opposition, to cast their spells,
He told me how “True Lies” won in the end, and nobody saw the bigger picture,
“We were casted from our castles, and taken our lives away,
Now, I sit here, with you, my son, and these empty chairs,
I sit with the phantoms of my brothers laying down the room,
Sleeping under the table, rejoicing in the heaven, where I join them”
He left, sleeping calmly, in that wheelchair,
And I warmed the empty cold chair in the empty table.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Passenger Cab Ride

Warming my arms, I sat next to my shadow,
Thinking, watching life running outside the window,
Being the passenger, I smiled and waved goodbye,
Asking the driver, to listen and ply,
Looking through the mirror, his eyes met mine,
I asked him to slow, to enjoy, to cherish, to smile,
He, smiled softly, yet fake through his wrinkled cheeks,
 I ignored, watching my shadow play with sunbeams,
It burned, healed, danced, camped with silhouettes,
Dawn as well as dusk befriended, together, they enjoyed,
Chuckled the white pale wrinkled lips, I looked upto the mirror,
Surprise to me, as he was warm yet cold, as if living yet withered,
He laughed at shadow and its playfulness, while he paced,
Rushing to reach the destination, I wanted to enjoy, but he wanted to haste,
 I couldn’t steer, sitting in the back of this passenger cab,
I was the passenger, and he, just some wrinkles on face,
“Cracks from experience”, he told me,
But, I didn’t understand and kept watching,
“At this age, where my destination collides with yours,
Haste is my answer, and silently captivating is yours,
While your shadow screams for you, and lives for you”,
He said it all, I sat there clueless, watching into the mirror of dew,
As dew covered it, his fake smile kept me glued my eyes onto his,
And, he listened to me once, silently, we reached,
My shadow, vanished, and he waited for me to deboard,
Silently, his wrinkles increased slightly,
Silently, he smiled once more, fake yet warmly.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Walking Between The Raindrops

Shadows running behind me, wrapping my stars,
Walking between the raindrops, I drowned in my scars,
Enduring my heartbeat, I swallowed my naive heart,
Building home away from home, this warmth imparts,
Swimming into the black waters, my eyes filled with darkness,
Shadows flourished, danced, bestowing happiness,
I smiled at the wicked death, hugged it, stabbed,
Home, the place where my love goes, my strings unwrapped​,
Parted death with smirk, bowed in my betrayal,
I broke the vow, my friend, death, died in vain,
Cause I have to carry my home, in my heart,
As it's only I, who keep it alive, setting my foot forth,
Lost could be the skies, empty could be the hopes,
Shaken could be the grounds, but my heart would still glow,
Feeling the warmth trembling down the spine,
My blood roar colours inside my bones, shines,
Cause it's never dark enough to kill the star,
As one reside inside my own, my home, my own part,
Seeing through black eyes, I walk,
I run, I fall, I get up, I climb, I crawl,
Let your heart blend with mine,
Your colours paints my spine,
I shall carry my home, with you inside,
A place warmer, a feeling of love reside.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Departing Journey

Dust sleeping on your photograph endlessly,
Making vintage, reminding all the things lately,
Drinking my memories as a glass of whiskey,
My eyes showered, my heart beating strongly,
Skipping the moments, jumping though time,
My mind playing with shadows, smiling,
Listening to your our songs, dancing, humming,
I was caught in the waves of heaven, waiting,
Waiting, for the reaper to come,
To come, and comprehend,
Take my heart and value its love,
Hesitated, thoughtful, watching me under the stars at 3 am,
Sitting in the woods, wrapped in forest fire,
Doubtful, he stood, to take me, or to leave,
Cause he breathed in my heart, played all the scenes,
Within my departing moments, I smiled,
I hummed her song, I closed my eyes, saw her,
Keeping the promise, always, I whisper her name,
The name, which I'd forgotten, the name, that resounded same,
Echoing through my soul, I was searching her inside me,
Standing at the gates of love, seeking my destiny,
Endlessly, I searched her, I pursued her,
Keeping my promise I made in my dreams, I still loved her

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Whispering Winds

Awoken by a sound, my lullabies unwrapped,
Memories playing orchestra, the sound collapsed,
Dreams started becoming thoughts,
Memories forming shapes of clouds,
Walking on those winds, my heart rattled,
Dust grew over my heart, and transcended for the better,
My words became someone's world,
Dancing to the whispers of the wind,
I glanced out to the skies, watching the stars,
They twinkled, started falling, for us,
With the winds, I stood on the clouds,
Flowing, flying, I watched the moon, and bowed,
Lost in ecstasy, my shadows formed the rainbow,
Closing my eyes, I started reciting our vows,
The wind carried my whispers to her,
Lullabies wrote new symphonies to offer,
On which, the stars danced while falling,
For she is lost in the woods, whispering,
Stars coming down to her, to show her the path,
Wind whispering, so she hears to my heart,
So she hears and we connect,
So she whispers and we confess,
She danced to my whispers,
She danced with the stars,
For she was listening to my heartbeat,
And her heart was beating in a sync,
For she could see our destinies joining with time,
For her memories were her lullabies, just like mine,
And we whispered together with the winds,
Danced together to rule over stars,
Closing the distance, our dreams shaped our thoughts,
And thoughts shaped the clouds,
The clouds, which we rode together,
The clouds, which we flew together,
To the moon, and beyond,
Till the time, and beyond.

Sunday, February 12, 2017


Laying in grass under the moon and stars,
I see you, I see your reflection,
I see your outline, and I see you swaying,
Descending from the neverland, you keep falling,
There's no face, there's no name,
Only stars spreading their mayhem,
Your hair, just like you, only outline, flying,
Everything is dark except around you, I'm trying,
I'm trying to focus, I'm trying to look for your smile,
All I see is mask with darkness engulfed aisle,
The aisle on which you're descending slowly,
The moon above, shine on you, but I'm lost, I'm lost in you completely,
I can feel your heart, it's beating,
I can feel your breaths, it's elevating,
With stars as angels above you, you seem dull,
With the moon above, you look lost in the lull,
The lullaby, that heart sings,
The lullaby, that your breath brings,
I sing, for you, looking at you,
And I see your smile, visible now,
I sing our song, strangers in the night,
You glow, descend, and walk out into the light,
The silhouette, that you were being before,
Was now the sight of you, and your beautiful glow,
The glow that was bestowed by the stars,
Accompanied by moon, you danced,
You fell into my arms, smiling, from the neverland,
I skipped a beat, completed the lullaby, held your hand,
Held you tightly, and kissed you welcome,
Cause we'd broken the charm, the magic of silhoutte,
There you were, in my arms, visible as clear,
Sharing warmth, bringing our home near.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Words Unspoken

My heart is full of words,
Words, that I've not spoken,
Endlessly, I think and pile up the words to say to you,
But, all these conversations are wandering, keeping heavens in view,
In my dreams, we talk, we kiss, and we dance,
We go to a place, where there's no secrets, only sharing our glances,
I extend my arm to play with your soft hair,
And you blush as we dance with so care,
I hold you so softly that I don't hurt you,
And you grasp me, smiling, giving me the clue,
Then, I muster my heart, and sing you our song,
We dance together, held hand in hand, swaying along,
Eyes glued to eyes, piercing through other's heart,
Our lips met, as if it's a piece of art,
Heavens send their regards from above,
And bliss is scattered in our paths,
On which, we walk together like king and queen,
Roses red under our feet, we watch all the scenes,
Your hand in mine,
Suddenly, you despair in time,
You flew with the winds, and swam with the oceans,
Nowhere to be found, even angels' prayers went in vain,
I searched for you, but, in my heart, you resided,
You lived there, talking to the words left unspoken,
You, were all my imagination, giving me, hope, love, and warmth,
I hugged the air, kissed the oceans, joined the hands of angels,
And closed my eyes, let my heart out,
As it unwound the deepest of the route,
I walked, within winds, I swam, within oceans,
Holding onto my heart, my emotions,
I longed, I felt you, even though you never existed,
I felt, I loved you, even though we never existed.